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Il migliore sito Escort in rete!
+44 07904811783
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Ultima modifica: 08/02/2021

Bonny escort a London

Hello Gentlemen Really cool you have looked me up. This hopefully is the only website you need to view. What you have in me is sheer bliss. Not only will I blow your mind, you will have be floating with the clouds when we meet. My name is Bonny and im beautiful an exclusive High Cl*** Independent Escort. My body is firm and tight with great curves all in the right places. Long honey blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, I have lovely tight perky boobs an amazing 36DD so plenty to hold on too. No tats and clean shaven.My skin is like silk. So what are we going to do when we meet? Well I guess you are already thinking about this, and I can sense we will get on extremely well because I can meet all of your desires and dreams. I can do most services with comp***ion so dream on!!! Af*** your visit, you will crave so see me again and again!!! So what next? Well, grab the phone, and call me, I am all yours!!! I would like to see you now. I am hot and ready to go. Thanks for your time, really appreciate it. Lots of love and many kisses. See you" Kiss-Kiss
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