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Annalisa escort a London

WELCOME GENTLEMEN, PLEASE LOOK NO FURTHER!!! "Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfilment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart. Meet your highly educated VIP Ebony Courtesan ANNALISA WINDSOR to give you one of those great moments.” I'm well travelled, enjoy meeting new people. You will find me in person, fun, well mannered, honest, elegant, playful and open minded. I am highly educated - but still very down to earth. I live a very healthy life style, go to the gym 4 times a week, do yoga and meditation. If you were wondering, what kind of guys I would like to meet..., services, hobbies and fav perfume. Gentlemen, who seeks deeper and broader experience with his lady. He is over 25 y/o, impeccably presented, intelligent, warm-hearted, very clean and respectful. He requires, - *** that is personal, pleasurable and fun. “ It is important that pleasure is shared." Gentlemen that wants an on the spot, h***le free encounter with an attractive companion and intelligent lady.. who’s very discreet. ***, M***age, Role play and Mild Dom. I Look forward to hearing from you. xx
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