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+44 7745917704
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Suzi escort a London

Hi Gentlemen! If You Are Looking For An Exotic Asian Temptation, You Will Find That I Am Your Number One Asian Model Sensation! I Am Living Proof Of High Asian Class...Not Far East Trash! I Can Be The Sweet, Giggly Girl Next-Door, Or Your Naughty Tigress (Grrrrr!!) ] Or Professional Business Companion. I Am Very Highly Traveled And Have An Extensive Wardrobe Collection To Match Any Scenario Or Request. I Have Danced In Some Of The Finest Gentleman's Clubs Around The World And Appeared In Countless Publications. I Love Everything About What I Do And Just Love People Watching Me! So If You Want An Unforgettable Experience And Like Everything You See... Call Me Now To Find Out What Your Missing! I Look Forward To Meeting You!! PLEASE NOTE: @@@@@@@ OUTCALL VERIFICATION IS REQUIRED: @@@@@@@ To Ensure My Personal Safety And Security I Will Always Need The Following INFORMATION BELOWFor My Prior Verification Before I Accept Any Booking Request. --->HOME BOOKING REQUEST: 1) YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME 2) YOUR HOME FULL ADDRESS (INCLUDING POSTCODE) 3) YOUR HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER......(NOT MOBILE) - Also Please Ensure Your Home Number Is Not Ex-Directory As I Will Not Accept) --->HOTEL BOOKING REQUEST: 1) YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME 2) THE HOTEL FULL ADDRESS (INCLUDING POSTCODE) 3) THE HOTEL TELEPHONE NUMBER 4) YOUR HOTEL ROOM NUMBER 5) YOUR PERSONAL HOTEL BOOKING REFERENCE NUMBER Once all details are verified I will be with sooner than you know and you will find that my exotic services from the far east are not only discrete, but Well and Truly Certified!! PLEASE NOTE: @@@@@@@ TELEPHONE BOOKINGS ONLY I DO NOT ARRANGE BOOKINGS VIA TEXTS @@@@@@@ Please feel free to call me for an appointment but if you like to plan to see me more than 24 hours in advance, you can also use the Adult Work booking request system and I will reply to you asap. ~~~ Looking forward to seeing you soon ~~~ XXX Suzi Starr XXX. **Please Note..I am Only Available For True Gentlemen Only.**Telephone calls from blocked numbers will not be answered. Additionally, any inquiries (email, phone or otherwise) that are explicit or rude will also be ignored.
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