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Sheba escort a London

Quintessentially English with an exotic background. I've attained an Economic and Business degree from a leading London university that has afforded me the opportunity to work abroad for a prominent consultancy company and a successful career within a global investment bank. I would consider myself an itinerant and often travel for leisure. I've seen 4 out of the 7 wonders of the world, Ive attempted (unsuccessfully) to climb Kilimanjaro, wondered around the remarkable countryside of Ethiopia, discovering Rock-Hewn Churches situated below ground. Outside travelling, I enjoy my hometown London where I frequently dine at Zuma and Scotts or coffee at Sothebys while enjoying the auctions and the artwork. Im trying to enrich my European knowledge of arts as the majority of my knowledge in this genre are Hamitic, Semitic and 19th Century Arabia. If you are interested in an intelligent and attractive Londoner, who I must warn you is highly addictive, then please get in contact but until then des bisous x
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