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Sandy escort a London

Hi Guys,If youre looking for the perfect temptress then allow me be your best choiceI am a High Class Glamour and Fetish model that can provide an unparalleled experience for the professional gentleman who expect a quality above the best.I am very well educated, well spoken and ooze from head to toe. My alter ego is fun, erotic, open-minded and adventurous!As a true model, I am always well groomed, deliver high visual expectations and always arrive perfectly dressed for the right occasion, seamlessly allowing me to fit in any scenario, fantasy or fetish you may have in mind.So whatever you may like me to be, I just love to entertain and can easily cater for every need!With a stunning wardrobe of outfits fit for executive to elegant companionship to PVC / Leather collections for BDSM / S&M / Domination, I am well equipped and will happily put you through a unique experience you will never forget and have you begging for more.I enjoy providing foot and body worship, corporal punishment, trampling, spanking, tie and tease, erotic discipline and denial, domestic chores and servitude, cross and baby dressing to humiliation.At your command, I am your elegant beauty queen or domineering dominatrix and happy to mix pleasure & pain from fantasy to reality.So if you have a secret dream to fulfill, Call me now and prepare yourself for an experience you will never forget!XXX Sandy Song XXX
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