Come and visit the BEST for a truly amazing time. *Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed.My tongue, nipple and clit are pierced for giving and receiving extra pleasure. A blow-job from me, will blow your mind.I love to dress to please and tease, just tell me what you like. I have lots of outfits for most scenarios.If you want the full GFE I'm your lady. I love to kiss and cuddle and enjoy receiving as much as giving. I AM CONSTANTLY AND CONSISTENTLY BEING TOLD THAT I GIVE THE BEST DEEP FRENCH KISSING GUYS HAVE EXPERIENCED, SO CUM AND TRY, SEE IF YOU AGREE ?I would love to fulfil all your dreams & desires so get in touch and enjoy the "Sexyscorpion Experience" Please note. I have a lower age limit of 25. This is a personal preference.I have NO upper limit as long as you have good hygiene and are respectful. LETS HAVE FUN!!. xxxHope to see you soon. xxx
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