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Kristina escort a Bristol

180 feet inches
6FT STUNNING HIGHLY RATED BLONDE UK ESCORT - LUXURY SENSUAL GFE TO SEDUCTIVE TIE AND TEASE xx Tantric Massage Practitioner, Kinkster, and Fetish Play professional…... Established Independent Escort based in Huddersfield and touring nationally and internationally. 6ft Tall and British born with a love of the erotic arts and dark desires. Take some time to browse my comprehensive website to get to know me and the things that make me tick… Offering a variety of intimate liaisons from Tantra to BDSM including GFE, Kink and Fetish, I am a lifestyle Escort who is active within the conscious sexuality scene. Come and visit me in my themed boudoir offering a number of different play areas and creating a welcoming environment where you are free to relax, indulge and explore… It all starts with a warm welcome…... Putting you at ease and greeting you as an old friend with a warm, open, welcoming connection which sets the scene for our delicious time together. Giving you the space to relax and indulge as you take in my height all 6ft plus of me in heels…. Step inside my themed boudoir filled with toys and erotic delights of hot oils, luxurious king size bed and a massage bed sat in its own mirrored room, both beds are made up with decadent fabrics of satin and crushed velvet lit by ambient soft lighting creating an erotic mood while floating sensual music gently plays in the background. As the door shuts the outside world slips away allowing you to fully enter the space that is created just of you. Spoilt with attentive good company making it easy to relax into the experience leaving you feeling extra special and vibrant. For those who have a little bit more time may I tempt you to join me in an intimate hot bubble bath, maybe with a glass of wine and a sensational Girlfriend to share it with you. Adventure begins where certainty ends……….. For more information please feel free to visit my website and browse my comprehensive blog where you will find an online booking request form, over 100 pictures and several erotic videos. Kristina J – Yorkshire Escort and Erotic Temptress
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